Shepherd's love Christopher Marlowe, also known as Kit Marlowe ( 26 February 1564 – 30 May 1593), was an English playwright, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marlowe was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, known for its first line "Come live with me and be my love", is a poem written by the English poet Christopher Marlowe and published in 1599 (six years after the poet's death). In addition to being one of the best-known love poems in the English language, it is considered one of the earliest examples of the pastoral style of British poetry in the late Renaissance period. It is composed in iambic tetrameter (four feet of unstressed/stressed syllables), with seven (sometimes six, depending on the version) stanzas each composed of two rhyming couplets. It is often used for scholastic purposes for its regular meter and rhythm. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love by Christopher Marlowe Come liv...
She Walks In Beauty written by Elesmere Jara (194043) ⭐THE POET ⭐ 🌜George Gordon Byron (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824)🌛 🌜Died: in the age of 36 years old🌛 🌜Poet, politician, nobleman🌛 🌜Literary movement: Romanticism🌛 🌜Studied at Trinity College at Cambridge🌛 She walks in beauty is a poem written by Lord Byron written in 1813 which describing about the beauty of a lady in terms of her overall characteristics. The writer did lots of comparison about her complexion, appearance and personality. She is said to have a sweet expression and beautiful thoughts in mind. She seems to be a precious and adorable lady for the writer. The dark and light imagery often used by Lord Byron to describes this lovely lady and balancing it. Lord Byron is an observant person in parts of seeing in exteriors and interior impressions of that lady which is not only about the facial but also the mind and the heart depicting that she is so idyllic. The physical beauty...